5 EASY Things You CAN Do To Eat Healthier NOW

Why hello there and thanks in advance for reading this article! I hope the week has been treating you well 🙂 I had a fantastic time with my hubby this weekend. We tried out a new restaurant and went shopping–I feel spoiled!!
My haul consisted of workout gears and home fitness equipment–nothing crazy, I bought (well, hubby bought haha) a couple of workout bras, a new yoga mat, a stability ball (the old one popped, not sure why 😦 ) and a resistance band which I cannot wait to incorporate in my workouts! Will definitely share my workouts with it too. But for now, I wanted to share something that is ultimately the key to success: CLEAN DIET.

I’ve had multiple people ask me for advice on how to eat cleaner and some who’ve even asked me for meal plans. Personally, I enjoy having a meal plan because it takes a load off your shoulders when you cook in bulk and have your meals prepared for the week (even if it’s just for the weekdays). Also, it saves you money, and keeps you away from junk. If you are a pretty busy guy or gal, I greatly suggest doing this! On my part, however, I have quite a bit of free time so I am taking this opportunity to expand my range in cooking by trying out new foods and recipes 🙂

So what happens if you cannot prepare a meal plan and/or struggle with staying on a planned diet? Here are 5 EASY things you CAN do to eat healthier NOW:

  1. Drink MORE water – I’m sure you’ve heard of this and know that it is good for you but do you know why? Staying hydrated will ensure that your body does NOT keep unnecessary water in your body that causes ‘water weight’ (those pounds that are easily lost but easily gained back). Not to mention, it helps keep your stomach flat and helps flush out toxins in your body. Hello to clearer skin!
    **TIP: start tracking your water intake by counting the glasses you drink or by filling up a liter container for the day!**

    Great idea from todaysthebestday.com
  2. Eat MORE of the healthy stuff you already enjoy + be courageous to try something new! – An easy way to fail at eating clean is by not enjoying it and by not having variety. Some people tend to think that eating healthier is boring and hard but it truly isn’t when you enjoy it! If you don’t consider yourself a healthy eater, the second easiest thing you can do (aside from drinking more water) is by eating more of the healthy stuff you already like. Love apples? Eat more of them! Also, make it a habit to try out new healthy food. Soon, the list of those you enjoy will eventually get longer!
    **TIP: For example, instead of grabbing a donut for breakfast or snack, munch on your favorite fruit(s). Also, make it a goal to try something healthy that’s NEW to you at least once a month if not once a week!**
    Made zucchini Pasta for my taste buds to explore 🙂
  3. Keep junk food OUT of your home – Pretty straight forward but very effective. Instead of having a stash of junk food in your home, fill it with healthy snack options instead! 🙂
    **TIP: Like Chocolates? Stash your home with dark chocolate instead! Cravings? Munch on fruits and nuts instead 🙂 There are also a lot of easy and healthy snack recipes online and you can find some here**
    My snacks for the work week 🙂
  4. Make sure each meal has something green! – You do not have to make a drastic change in your life to be healthier. Small consistent changes brings success. Including one handful amount of greens with your meals will help you BIGTIME.
    **TIP: For breakfast, you can add greens (spinach/kale/lettuce) to your smoothies or omelette! For lunch and dinner, you can have a salad or sautéed greens on the side!**
    Home-cooked meal: Baked Salmon with Spinach salad 🙂
  5. Avoid eating out / Limit to weekends only – Among all the tips this is probably the hardest for me! My hubby and I are such foodies and we enjoy eating out a lot. I don’t necessarily have a problem with it as I work out regularly and see this as a treat/cheat meal, but for those wanting to be healthier, eating a home-cooked meal is a better option as you know what goes directly in your food (no unknown ingredients) 🙂
    **TIP: If eating out more than once a week is inevitable, go for healthier options on the menu. Ex: instead of a burger in a bun, have it in a lettuce wrap or a salad bowl! Pick zucchini or sweet potato fries over regular fries. Also seek help from the waiters/waitresses as they know their menu well.**
    Burger bowl photo from mrcapetown.co.za


    And there you have it! I believe these tips are very doable. I don’t believe in making a drastic change in our lifestyle. Often times, extreme changes lead to failure as it makes us feel unenthused and too restricted. If there is anything you will leave with after reading this, please take this: The key to success is making small, good, conscious decisions everyday. Overtime, those little things will pile up and make a HUGE difference. Take it from me, I used to be addicted to soda. Now I have been soda-free since December 2010!!

    Do you struggle with eating healthy? If so, what makes it hard? Let’s talk it up in the comments and I’d be happy to help with what I can 🙂

24 thoughts on “5 EASY Things You CAN Do To Eat Healthier NOW

  1. Thank you so much for this blog, Katrina! I loved it and love your writing style. When I was in the hospital for my heart surgery, they told me the same things about eating healthier. One example is eating almonds with dark chocolate rather than peanut M&Ms.
    One more thing…love your sweet, helpful personality!!


    1. Thank you for your kind words, Ritchie!!! Mhmmm although peanut mnms are yummy you can never go wrong with dark chocolate covered almonds!!!

      And this is why we are here–to share and serve. 🙂 much love to you!


  2. Am taking lots of water and the only annoying thing about it is peeing alot!!! Like almost Every time.

    I love this post, like I can feel your heart in it, your points are valid and it’s just an amazing post really.
    Great job doll!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. this one definitely caught my eye 🙂 🙂 i love to keep my figure but when it comes to eating healthy..i totally suck…..I needed this…..hahaha..im very serious…..thank you

    Liked by 1 person

  4. My struggle with trying to eat healthier is the cravings for things I know I’m not supposed to eat. I’m going to try your idea of substituting one thing for a healthier option.


  5. This is a great and educative piece… I was just reading about eating green foods and not bringing junk foods to your home two nights back from a book, and here I am reading same thing/knowledge here again..

    Then it shows I have to take it serious. My dad would always insist on drinking enough water all the time. Health is wealth and eating right is healthy.

    Liked by 1 person

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