FREE Workout Wednesday (video)

Hey guys! As promised from this post in July, I will be posting a workout video each month under “Free Workout Wednesday” The videos I will be sharing are ones that I personally do. This month’s video is a HIT workout. I LOVE and LIVE for HIT workouts because it’s a wonderful reminder that staying active and […]

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Self-Care Sundays

Hello beautiful people, I had such a good day today and I hope you all did, too. One of my twitter friends said before that “loving yourself can be as simple as flossing your teeth everyday.” Sooooo true. The sad thing is–sometimes, we forget or disregard giving us even the simple things like flossing our […]

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How to make Chia Pudding!

Hi guys! I am on such a chia seed mood this week so I decided to post more about it hehe. The other day I made chia pudding from scratch for the first time. I’ve always added chia seeds to my yogurt and it pretty much gives the same consistency but making your own chia […]

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How to make a smoothie bowl

Smoothie bowls are everywhere and I am finally joining the hype 🙂 I have been an avid smoothie drinker for years. I found it is one of the most effective ways to get a dose of your fiber and other wonderful nutrients. Not to mention, it is so easy to whip up and definitely falls […]

Read More How to make a smoothie bowl


I was already having a good day when my friend Benny, from told me that she nominated me for the Liebster Award–now I’m having a great day 🙂 Simply put, the Liebster Award is a fun and creative way to acknowledge  new up and coming blogs of a good standard and help boost its audience. The […]