I meditated every day for 1 year. Here’s what happened

Hi 🙂 So you guys clicked this blog post because I’m guessing, you’re interested in knowing what has changed in my life since making it a habit to meditate. Before I started this practice, it honestly felt like my internal world was chaos. I battled depression with rage and acted out of impulse and emotion. […]

Read More I meditated every day for 1 year. Here’s what happened

Admiring Someone Else’s Beauty Without Questioning Your Own — Unshackled Beauty

Hey loves, I wrote this article for Unshackled Beauty on how I was able to appreciate my beauty while celebrating the beauty I found in others without envy. Click the link below to read the full thing 🙂 Hello beautiful ladies, I stumbled upon the photo below last month and it resonated so much with […]

Read More Admiring Someone Else’s Beauty Without Questioning Your Own — Unshackled Beauty

Self-Care Sundays

Hello beautiful people, I had such a good day today and I hope you all did, too. One of my twitter friends said before that “loving yourself can be as simple as flossing your teeth everyday.” Sooooo true. The sad thing is–sometimes, we forget or disregard giving us even the simple things like flossing our […]

Read More Self-Care Sundays

NEW Content alert: Workout VIDEOS

Hey guys, Remember the FREE 1 week workout I posted last week? It received such great reviews and two wonderful ladies requested a video for it so I figured…WHY NOT. For those of you that do not know, I am a Certified Fitness Trainer. 🙂 I have been certified for about a year and a half now. […]

Read More NEW Content alert: Workout VIDEOS


I was already having a good day when my friend Benny, from BennyMakachi.wordpress.com told me that she nominated me for the Liebster Award–now I’m having a great day 🙂 Simply put, the Liebster Award is a fun and creative way to acknowledge  new up and coming blogs of a good standard and help boost its audience. The […]