I was already having a good day when my friend Benny, from told me that she nominated me for the Liebster Award–now I’m having a great day 🙂 Simply put, the Liebster Award is a fun and creative way to acknowledge  new up and coming blogs of a good standard and help boost its audience. The […]


Cucumber chips

Cucumber? Chips? Whaaaa. You read that right! If you’re like me, eating cucumbers as chips are probably foreign to you until now. Yeah I’ve heard of kale chips and zuchinni chips as healthy alternatives to crunchy salty potato chips– but cucumbers? Nope. Until I stumbled upon a recipe on Pinterest (you guessed it lol) As […]

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24 Things I’m Grateful For

The following are the top things I’m thankful for in life at this current moment: 1. God– it has been an amazing journey getting to know you. From knowing about you only in books, to experiencing your presence in my life. You protected me from further damaging myself, and blessed me with every good thing […]

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24 Years of Life

(Written May 04, 2016) Been feeling quite emotional (in a good way) this morning especially after a wonderful message from my Instagram friend, @rdprice1. He expressed he’s had an unexpected heart bypass surgery in December and that my posts help him stay positive and inspire him to recover his strength. It was a nice thing […]

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