Favorite 5: Machine-less Shoulder Exercises

Here it is, guys! My favorite shoulder exercises that require no machine! As mentioned before, I love sharing these because I am a huuuge advocate of getting fit even without the help of a gym. You do not have to pay monthly fees to have a place to workout it–you can do it at the very comfort of your home and all you need is a small space! If you can lay down on the floor, that is all the space you’ll need!

Before I proceed, I wanted to share with my new readers previous posts regarding “machine-less exercises”.

  • Click HERE for 5 BODYWEIGHT exercises that are effective (these helped me jump start my passion for fitness)
  • Click HERE for 5 machine-less LEG exercises
  • Click HERE for 5 exercises you can do with ANKLE WEIGHTS.
  • Click HERE for 5 machine-less CHEST exercises
  • Click HERE for 5 basic YOGA stretches you can do now.

I hope these articles help and motivate you to stay working on your fitness goals. It’s truly just about making the most with what we have right now!

One thing I learned when doing my course in Fitness Training, was that the shoulders are one of the easily injured parts of our body. Thinking about it, we do so much with our shoulders just by  doing regular day to day things. We are all prone to wear and tear and the best way to alleviate the risk of injury is by strengthening them (Properly, of course. Please make sure you are cleared for physical activity by your doctor, and have a trained professional help you with working out if you are not comfortable doing it by yourself). Not to mention, having a sculpted, tone shoulder is just so sexy to look at! It compliments any sleeveless, one shoulder, off-shoulder, or strapless clothing!

I am so excited to share my go-to shoulder exercises so let’s get to it:

DISCLAIMER: You should understand that when participating in any exercise or exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself, and agree to release and discharge Katrina Jean Carter from any and all claims or causes of action, known or unknown, arising out of KatrinaJeanCarter.wordpress.com’s negligence. 
  1. Shoulder Press/ Single Shoulder Press
    – A classic move you can never go wrong with! This is almost always in my shoulder routine. As an alternative, you can perform the single shoulder press with heavier weights. Do 12-14 reps, 3-4 sets, with weights depending on your fitness level.
  2. Upright Rows
    – Among the exercises on the list, this has to be my favorite. I like performing this with a bar but since I do not have one at home, I use my dumbbells which works just fine! Once again, perform 12-14 reps, 3-4 sets, with weight depending on your fitness level.
  3. Military Press
    This exercise is tougher than it looks! I feel like such a badass performing this exercise especially when I do it with a bar. I typically execute this while sitting down but switch up to standing position when I want some variety. Do 12-14, 3-4 sets, with weight depending on your fitness level.
  4. Side Lifts
    – This exercise is undeniably on the tough side as well. I use lighter weights when I do this and usually as a superset with front raises. Do 6-8 reps, 3-4 sets, with weight depending on your fitness level.
  5. Pike Pushups
    – This is my favorite bodyweight shoulder exercise! When found in my routine, I use this as a ‘burnout’–doing as many as I can or add it as one of the exercises in my HIIT workout.

    Lol sucks this pic didn’t match the rest but I am away from home and Hubby took the ones before this! 🙂

What is your favorite among the list? And if I didn’t mention your favorite, please share with me below in the comments 🙂


76 thoughts on “Favorite 5: Machine-less Shoulder Exercises

  1. I didn’t knew about the disclosure for fitness blog that’s new for me. Thanks for the internal links with suggestion about routines. That’s going to help me a lot


  2. I think a lot of people (myself included) use the excuse that we have no time to go to the gym/no money for membership fees but as you said you can get fit without going to the gym. You make it look so easy but I know that my arms would be feeling like they were falling off the next day 😄


  3. Great exercises, thank you so much for sharing 🙂
    and you are very beautiful!
    I’m currently also trying to tone my shoulders,arms and back so this was really helpful.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I have become a big fan of machine-less workouts and the whole DIY body gym. It’s so nice to be able to do some basic exercises without having to worry about expensive machines or gym memberships. Plus, even if you don’t have weights, you can always use different items from around the house! Great post and collection.


  5. I’ve never thought about shoulder exercises until I read this post. I always thought all or most of the upper body workouts are enough for our shoulders.


  6. These are fantastic exercises. I work out with weights regularly and my son is my coach. I am showing him these because they are great for me when I am doing uppper body. I am pinning these as well! You are in fantastic condition 🙂


  7. Love exercises that require no equipment especially when you haven’t got enough time to go to the gym! Those for shoulders are super important for me! I need to try them 🙂


  8. I love when you cat stay fit without the help of a gym or those machines. All these 5 shoulder exercises looks so easy to do and I am sure it has great results when done in a proper routine.


  9. great tips, the pike pushups though, will that not end up working more of the butt and hips as it does the shoulder… all the same thanks for sharing


  10. Last Saturday I finally started running again. My knees are starting to feel my heaviness because of my increasing waistline, and with running I hope that my abdominal fats will come off soon.

    I actually have some dumbbells at home that have not been used for quite sometime. I think I need to dust them off and start performing the routines you demonstrated. May favorite is the Upright Rows which I combine with squats.

    Your posts inspire me to pursue my fitness goals. Thank you!


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